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Oxygen Compressors

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Poll Position - Episode 2: Safety and Connectivity

Poll Position - Episode 2: Safety and Connectivity



SIAD Americas

To view the services offered by the Global Service Division for API 618 compressors, click here.

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The features of oxygen compressors

SIAD offers oxygen compressors consists of a full range of highly reliable, oil-free piston compressors with a variety of specifications:

Oxygen compressors are in full compliance with international safety standards:

EIGA IGC 10/07/E
ASTM G63-99
ASTM G93-03
ASTM G94- 05
ASTM G128-02

  • SIAD Compressors are skid-mounted to facilitate installation and commissioning.

  • SIAD Compressors are extremely reliable for compressing a particular gas such as oxygen.

  • The ergonomic design of SIAD oxygen compressors is designed to allow maintenance safety and efficiently.

  • SIAD compressors have a maximum capacity of 40,000 m3/h (1,412,000 cfh) and a maximum power of 8,700 kW (11,700 bhp).


Safety first

The adoption of safety procedures, standards and best practices, as well as technical specifications deriving from SIAD MI's long experience in this specific sector, allow us to achieve our goal: to design reliable and best performing compressors with maximum safety.



  • NON-SPARKING MATERIALS: Selection and use of specific and certified materials, which do not generate sparks, despite the friction due to the reciprocating linear movement of the piston along the cylinder walls.

  • DUST-FREE ASSEMBLY: Assembly of oxygen compressors in exclusive dedicated areas with a controlled clean environment, using specifically cleaned equipment.

  • CONTROLLED TEMPERATURE: Temperature is a key factor to keep risk factors under control: SIAD has developed dedicated solutions to constantly monitor the temperature trends of the oxygen flow within the compressor package and thus prevent any potential issues.

  • OIL-FREE TECHNOLOGY: Which is essential to an Oxygen compressor, to guarantee high performance, reliability and availability.

  • SEPARATION: The separation between the lubricated parts of the crankcase and the totally oil-free components in contact with Oxygen (pneumatic part) can be achieved due to various solutions including a white-painted, single compartment revealing a long-distance piece. (This is the “Type B” as per the API618 standard.)

  • PURGING: To ensure that there are no leaks of oxygen, the rod packing groups that allow the piston rod to move into the cylinder can be purged with nitrogen, to create a pneumatic barrier to the cylinder itself.


The sectors where Oxygen compressors are used

SIAD oxygen compressors are mostly used in steel, paper, metal and glass processing, plus at chemical and industrial gas companies and are also widely used in the metallurgy and petrochemical sectors.

SIAD compression, as a member of the SIAD Group, is the only compressor manufacturer owned by an industrial gas company. We are members of EIGA, the European Industrial Gases Association, Compressed Gas Association. SIAD engineers helped to define the content of the EIGA IGC 10/07/E standard (“Reciprocating Compressors for Oxygen Service”) and supported the global harmonization of this standard.

Please click here to see all the services offered for compressors.

The experience of our teams has resulted in SIAD creating for its customers a range of oxygen compressors with a certified standard that can be adapted to the numerous requirements of small, medium and large industries.

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