Standard Plants - Header

Standard Plants

Standard Plants - Main

Gas Nitrogen (GN) series nitrogen plants are designed for applications requiring reliability and operational flexibility comparable to on-site liquid supply systems but at a much lower cost and are frequently added to existing liquid supply systems to upgrade production capacity.

GN series plants use a liquid nitrogen add process in which a small stream of liquid nitrogen is withdrawn from the backup/storage tank and transferred to the GN plant. This stream provides the process refrigeration required for the air separation process, after which the resulting gaseous nitrogen is added to the nitrogen product stream. The amount of liquid nitrogen add required is approximately 2.5% to 5% of the total plant production depending on plant size (i.e., every unit of liquid add will produce approximately 20 to 40 units of gaseous nitrogen).

The GN series is available in plant capacities ranging from 350 Nm3/hr to 2,000 Nm3/hr (13,000 SCFH to 5,000 SCFH).

  • Specific Features.
  • Highly modularized to minimize installation and commissioning time and cost. GN plants can be installed and commissioned within 1 to 2 weeks, depending on plant size.
  • Fully automated and designed for unattended operation, remote monitoring and remote control, including plant startup and shut down.
  • Reliable, cost-effective alternative to delivered liquid nitrogen.
  • Vacuum/perlite insulated cold box minimizes refrigeration loss.
Impianti azoto_Impianti on-site per l’industria dei Gas Tecnici